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                      Peace in Chaos

Peace in Chaos
Artists: Bobby Archuleta, Daniel Garcia, Akol Joker, Sione Kauvaka, Isaiah M. Aligos Lucas, Enrique Rodriguez, Rew Thornton
charcoal on paper
108 x 108 inches

“Our class...participated in hours of brainstorming before ascertaining the subject for this piece of art. Our brainstorming sessions were full of creativity and emotion; Each session was a truly fruitful and exciting moment...By using a process of elimination...we were able to choose a subject that resonated deeply with all of us: Having the strength to maintain internal calmness while in the presence of chaos...

Although we experimented with A.I. and at one point thought about using it for this project, we decided not to use it. The A.I. created good images, but we, as a group, felt like A.I. was having a difficult time securing the emotion we wanted this project to radiate: Emotion that could only be created by human minds and hands.

In prison, chaos is the dominant characteristic of our environments identity: An average
day in prison consists of constant noise, routine violence, and coercive power. The harsh reality is that at any vulnerable moment, the external chaos in our lives can breach the boundary of our mental serenity, rendering us helpless as it permeates us internally. Protecting our peace from our chaotic environment is a daily duty, a duty that isn’t always fulfilled. This piece of art is a reminder that we must continue to give our all towards positively developing in such toxic and dehumanizing conditions.”

- Isaiah M. Aligos Lucas, Arts + Justice Lab Student

“Peace in Chaos” installation crew

©2023 Salt Lake City, UT